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Let's write in English!

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Educativ Re: Let's write in English!

Mesaj Scris de danniela Joi 17 Apr 2014, 12:20 pm

My son doesn't speak Romanian too much. Actually, he started to learn more now. We agreed to speak in romanian. I spoke with him in English because I needed to learn, and my children were the best for me in that moment but later I got lost myself in languages  rade rade rade  and I talked to him only in English or him in English and I in Romanian. Personally I pass from a language to the other very hard and I speak a lot of Romano-English or Anglo-Romanian  Sad Sad  And between some swahili enough to make a good salad.
But, I don't worry so much! He can catch Romanian very well if he stays few months in Romania.
With my daughter is different. She speaks both languages English and Romanian very well.
About accent....what is wrong with that??? I have russian accent, my husband Romanian, my daughter african and my son american. Everybody is surprised in the good way about us.

Numarul mesajelor : 5626
Localizare : in tarile calde
Data de inscriere : 19/06/2010

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Educativ Re: Let's write in English!

Mesaj Scris de trandafiras78 Joi 17 Apr 2014, 7:36 pm

Danniela, I think you've done what you taught it was best for you at that moment. And you're right with the fact that your son can get enough romanian for daily speach if he stays in Romania for a couple of months. In my case, I would like my children to communicate in romanian since I have a closed relationship with my parents and they don't know german. Concerning the accent, I believe it would be easier for my kids to speak like the children from here, than in the other case. It doesn't matter for me, but for children for sure.


Numarul mesajelor : 246
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Germania
Data de inscriere : 17/01/2010

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Educativ Re: Let's write in English!

Mesaj Scris de Luissssa Joi 17 Apr 2014, 9:38 pm

I am learning english at one year. It is very hard for me to write and speak in english, I was happy when I see this subject. Naw I ak slipping my baby girl, when I have time I read all pages.
Sory for my english... all my life I was frustrated because I don't know this or ather language.

Numarul mesajelor : 8
Localizare : Timisoara
Data de inscriere : 01/04/2014

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Educativ Re: Let's write in English!

Mesaj Scris de Andata Mar 22 Apr 2014, 4:38 pm

I don't see the use of this topic if we are not correcting somebody when is writing wrong. If the purpose is to learn, then let's do it properly. When I had an english citizen as boss few years ago, we made an arrangement: he would correct me whenever I say something wrong and I'd correct him when he's wrong. I just wanted to speak better english language, he tried to learn romanian. Mission accomplished for both of us

Numarul mesajelor : 783
Varsta : 53
Localizare : Constanta
Data de inscriere : 16/09/2010

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Educativ Re: Let's write in English!

Mesaj Scris de Day Mar 22 Apr 2014, 10:42 pm

Hiii,girls Smile
Andata,you're absolutely right....we should help eachother here, can I correct anyone when I am not convinced that I use english language correct? I am not an english speaker,I don't use english almost...never,haha,but I noticed there are here few girls who have many opportunities to speak and write.So we,the others,will be very gratefull to learn from you :D

Numarul mesajelor : 3191
Varsta : 53
Localizare : slobozia
Data de inscriere : 02/10/2009

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Educativ Re: Let's write in English!

Mesaj Scris de trandafiras78 Mar 22 Apr 2014, 11:19 pm

Andata, I agree with your suggestion and I would be so happy to have some corrections when I'm wrong. But I'm not quite sure that everyone feels good in the same situation.

Day, I dare to correct you in the last answer: ... there are here a few ...

Numarul mesajelor : 246
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Germania
Data de inscriere : 17/01/2010

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Educativ Re: Let's write in English!

Mesaj Scris de Admina Dum 08 Feb 2015, 4:19 am

Hey, long time no see!
I found an interesting site with pronunciation exercises: HERE
Although I live in an English speaking country, my English is the same as before because I don't speak it much. But I get along just fine.
Day, I'm gonna give you some advices. Try not to translate from Romanian word for word (mot-a-mot). Instead you can use phrases that mean the same thing. It helped me allot to watch movies without subtitles and to read English sites.
So we,the others,will be very gratefull to learn from you.
The rest of us will be very grateful to learn from you.
how can I correct anyone when I am not convinced that I use english language correct?
... when I'm not sure that I use English language correctly?
"I don't use english almost...never"
I use English very rarely or I almost never use English

DOAR AZI, sa nu ma supar! Sa nu ma ingrijorez! Sa fiu recunoscator! Sa fiu bun cu ceilalti!

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[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]

*Atelierul meu*


Numarul mesajelor : 8716
Localizare : aproape de tine:)
Data de inscriere : 16/10/2008

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Educativ Re: Let's write in English!

Mesaj Scris de Day Dum 08 Feb 2015, 2:01 pm

Thanks,girls Smile It's good to find some help here Smile

Numarul mesajelor : 3191
Varsta : 53
Localizare : slobozia
Data de inscriere : 02/10/2009

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Educativ Re: Let's write in English!

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